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Project 4|Assessing Quality and Quantity of Membership In DeMolay International Organisation   

The scope of this project is to benefit DeMolay International, Stillwater Chapter, by providing context around their current trends of membership retention, membership recruitment,and membership quality.Data contains quantitative collections from the Stillwater Chapter throughout a time period of 56 months (should I include the survey as a part of the sample data?). Based on the

information provided by the sample data, the analysis is generalized for men between the ages of 12 and 21 in Stillwater .In summary, the data set contains information pertaining to active membership ,attendance percentages, and standard Chapter activities. Data reduction was done using  Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was first completed for data reduction. PCA was per formed separately for the categorical data and the continuous data. Following, Multiple Correspondence analysis (MCA) was completed since it is more suited for analyzing data that contains several categorical variables than PCA.

Project 5| Stock Price Forecasting Using Machine Learning Algorithms using R                                                                      

Predicting stock price by using algorithms like support vector machines, feature selection, stochastic oscillator, moving average crossover agent, Hodrick-prescott filter and used various technical associated with stock market prediction

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